Saturday, February 11, 2012

Mexican Gummi Bears out of a Wheelbarrow

On the downtown streets of San Jose del Cabo there are many street vendors rolling their goods each night.  I was fascinated when I saw one man selling bread rolls from his car, his passenger seat and back seat were literally piled with fresh bread rolls.  There is no such thing as plastic packaging on any of the bread products here.  The sellers will just hand out the bread with their bare hands.  They do carry a pair of tongs around with them for when us Gringos swing by.  Last night my sweet tooth got the better of me and I could not handle one more dang piece of flan so I kept my eyes open for a wheelbarrow full of candy that I wanted to try.  My husband seemed a little surprised because I am usually so cautious with what I eat (hygiene-wise) but my pregnancy cravings were making all the decisions last night.  I found the wheelbarrow I was looking for on central plaza.  The owner of this wheelbarrow had filled it full of 20 different tubs of various candies and spiced nuts.  He took out his tongs and let me sample some mango spicy gummy candy and some spicy orange candy.  I have decided that I am not a spicy candy person so I bought $30 pesos worth of gummi bears.  Not too bad!

We have run into some challenges the last few days with a broken hard drive on one of our MacBooks and a very public toddler tantrum.  We were lucky to have some friends staying at a nearby resort who asked to watch our son one evening while we went to dinner just the two of us, they also offered to bring our broken laptop back to MN to get it fixed.  We are so lucky for such great friends.  Sometimes a couple of hours away from a two-year old is just what you need to come back refreshed and ready for another excursion in a foreign country.

I finally tried Ceviche (aka Cebiche) at Mi Casa restaurant in town the other night.  It was exactly as I imagined it minus the purple octopus tentacles I was surprised to see.  The one we ordered was a cold mixture of shrimp, fish, scallops, and octopus marinated in lime juice all afternoon, it was very different.  Well at least I tried it.  :)  My husband thought it was pretty good.


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